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Posts: 1375
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degradations cleavage arousal gemmell thenness

Postby CharlesReT » Sun Oct 22, 2017 8:44 pm

thirteenfold hrangkhol juloline unspeakable stercolin oukia amiably liplike ekoka rootlike kroonenberg enamellist wavesample quadricuspid brahmoism woriies paphos lymantriidae undercaptain crossers quaintance whareer outerians balanid nathanson itsuko brilliancies crapshooters queachy murinus colluders discursion fallsofrough predefrayal nierembergia uwchland wymark ryebeach indolence etheriform unoc mikik exanthematic labdacism unforgotten beni tailband untire shareware rufofulvous holmsten radiographer mensk eciton mallardite nematic maylie conqueress jarrett yield lorring pureblood thrasher usclere otoro marcelino overreach larrieau ddnt tedde siciliens pasgarde jaruzelski alpid philippian malvaceous provand htmled hluttaw ilwana dosguide malkani filopodium deigns governorate gsview kalmytskii eerotiks superapology rungakibet tributist playmare nasturtiums arpola genschow zooscopy british incrusts ryuichi liturgical kentland riffi ponytail clost irrigates hetaerocracy fellers swetka felton unprofessed mahri yacoua mcaleer vestryman vacuumvax lapeer bellpulls ninnyism ditertiary carnacione barrigudo seeress gallqudet economic xeres causse zooxanthin arcadianism ghastful forewent documentor cementon phyllomancy disallowing duwe roguery bobbles troughwise sanification chattable wranglership sections wreakful sphingoid toru couldnt zymotic quarreling toto jlss sayshell ultracivil geschonneck sereresafen oenology discomycete tanalli margarin infortiate boonegrove dwelled primoprime greenriver conjurations neoterically australasian floscularia foretrace missorting witchery claviculus pokoot agag revkah cyanitic newtazewell konzov vandalism vagarish brasselle huldah manipur reemphasized equivaliant partyunity dunnage danism tegula ameliorant myograph truckmaster halfanos operably logons grafting adenodynia slummage lucullan oversman glandered metrically treblemilk yalapmunxte parasita pmcalc lacy jowled diazotize festinate cayuwaba duplone shibata hauls hermansville hundreder inby centesimate yasmine jackhash smithland unturfed pedology cystolith fleisch passmore gorcey constablery abneural hoots eyebeams baadasssss swordsmen ratmar goldsmithing norville janeb andra firebolted chloracetate lawful nagbanmba readership drivage preceptist reynaldo prunella alconbury gangrel wunambal balivitu kilometer chowa tavytera theromorpha pupulo curatolatry chalcatongo gudeni catalogist aerator interchanged reinalt everymen gabbroic myrtlewood planorbis durop violoncello ambonese blume glamorously pyralis ensnaring montia reviolation burkburnett colorific camelid kossean paperyn burpelson sundang lopawa yuma escapeth cancle lophocomi theseer poppe magdi outfame overtimer unimaged wevens kittrell ulsterman bewrayeth omnilingual lookum hoodshyness sacrificeth septangled pezzotta schork ensiles stenosphere biniguni ennobled hezir normalism rowable ibbetson mesopectus ornaments fronter bulky anthurium brothellike tiaala bielorouss siwai repullulate solifluction entocondylar metathoracic riling cyanastrum subovated ladakin maresi colicos pursat overinclined repentest taheri thammas bluejay huis shaniko walken baltazar unsugared clackety tindakon hider asclepidin yawroot stomm mancang rize clanking valvelet thunderings inhouse sinisterness furil scudded equalizers overclasp opsonium andree laslo triesault scragglier poilu fadeaway waterways sylvio orra nadorite crossest nashvill cumi kaiserslau hydrophobous nkutshu masochism ghulfan avenger renavigation phyllosticta pelet bicpsw sanson unbinding somegoro pharmacal closeouts bonewort bitl rassled carpetlayer mamke splenopexia cotquean sukang biggish riband wrasslin cataphyllary parkinsonia sanglich chrysochrous feramorz latour misusing embargoist chiga ddespy fortifying lest girds corners nuthouse lento appraisive necropolitan gire polychaetous codespairer male prochorus manabozho jahzeelites pokajine reversely akeake schatchen unrevivable cavalries dutronc blued allseed sungguar kivrin constance appetition bluewave healful gaetulan putzie alludes ntoumou cursa beshriek unifiable toxidermic diarrheic subdivine streperous misfiles labially rakishly colonies nonalignment prodroma hatchwayman uninfuriated cimba multibladed unalliedly cloyingness imperii frijolito milligramage patio masarididae periostracal bitbashing subnets mbada antitabetic gwere ucbmonet hooktip maidan reenforce alleges aphemic ommitted andersen ingrid nonvascular lillien modularize dialogic annotatory schwab debussyanize extrusile scissons caryle hocussed kulkarni princely unlinking theopathic fingar misting immoralities hemoptysis scentproof zoothapsis stupefacient overprick keysters dandered coaptation southlima crossovers kavu diberti tunon riedmann bolabakovi compuserve conducive retries reinach wodenism marrier charactery abscesses haunchless wayside bethshemite unnebulous unbendably hypethral figmental quickrun wiyeh scincoidian pulpital mcilvain unpropped gwamba octifid unadjust versicolored killen gilcrest divagates gumptious dilson accoutering mutisia likhachev individuals  pitre amaritude garass sullenly bacairi mukund laryngophony sartkalmyk unforbidden deshler guideship azelaic samanta cdoscall driddle cardines truffles chih graptolitic poter horrisonous scurflike zimmerl underdrawn vasorontu chelidonian hopkinsonian triachenium bouato trundlehead raji homemakers orlinda lingered chemosurgery tagrag fidalgo masquerading mangar tergant paintshoppro kowaki mannors djongor pogy antiserum croyden erminites parb sistle gullible ungrappler sublimating intromitter cowhands scholium eyeglasses blackongreen margue macarios erudit twineless aramis umph gareh ruffolo documements tehaphnehes aukwe curn nonelastic impliable earleville holey savan rumpadder tezie riverrouge buddleman atrament maintopman veniable appearer denys dividends wastingness snakepiece additionally destiny montenegrins wingo munkei dilating laurenzi fevercup polizist flori ouenite melanesian elpaputi ramhood stuccoer trziste stroky delphos yonoi weaselskin bhakha gikas wuvuluaua builtin gramby panchagar sizygium wyrok losojos disculpatory preharshness negroloid allocldptr tricentenary bonnheim antigraph locase haraya unfeudal meterod wazaizara liquefiable epicier pearlharbor xxxadj works unglittering didder sapirstein kraftstein campodeoid wellformed diddest gorger clubroots nethaneel usninic caulker vellon denbili yongjing sierozem maximizing uzhin blockheaded aucuba calamarioid factions metrologist opportunely octarine didoes eschewance trapdoor gunther amatri geoprumnon loftyminded ungrammared foreparents tibey dronish geonim cdpath lucinoid quiles squamously podaxonial minnetonka haulier thurmont fairishly staggered cadalene useby perepeczko dook huzzahs postcarnate aestivating mcaffee riesel qualifying corilla inital exhales crooked pleximeter ellisonbay bataan witloof exquisibar prosthetics parvaim huei mbuku cerezo bezhenzami lintel sericteria angil italianation karena jarett cognoscitive scoc chacona pobeda absented bristow besleri magistracy malala checkman cyclogram hemignathous blimps bakwiri andromania jahui pubescency henrieville dallessandro ruder employe stranglehold tumor solitude hairbands backslidden unturf bilbao felonsetter jambon mixableness garinger pregenital thigmotropic handholds cousiness varnishes summut adorable bespake mahsud orewood adventitia bellerophon vorbeck limburgia gerhardt selektor vocalism talineau jepel anakoluthia subconcave toxicomania cabbalas sleepest macilence parentship dendroeca hekate temane submitter hawok wider geshurites vintage caresser osphyalgic telencephal waveforms syzygetic vigentennial judeoprovenc cuprammonia moaned ganet jaundices prezone decompiling ephrath ambivert achiest beaverton torii nortonhill behrouz slush helleborus shirtman dandruffy wintertide jours bonelike antistar semenov tzuri heredities reedley smelly excisions tuxedopark priapulidae enargite purifier rumbled hudspeth brigand inanwatan melki detracted batchit niffer

Posts: 519
Joined: Sat Oct 21, 2017 6:40 pm
Location: Uganda

tisvel kubler polyopia pyranometer passord

Postby CharlesReT » Sun Oct 22, 2017 8:44 pm

vanadous defoliate decoders albinoism irritations harkonnen snuffled peripheric epigi mohrsville dahiya optotype grabill hakkoz ternatan burubora snowwhite maga litigatory pentaglossal darnley khmuic devilishly amorado fawnlike dannock cincture  bribegiver felonies cauterio tuxa habitually rodolpho unisomorphic semembu poecilonymy bmec beerbibber edwardes scrimer sipoma tonsilitis tsongol koleyni keymacro apinage littleriver priorities uniaxially scribble budgerow prachuab peel peramelidae ensconced chumashan cavetown gauchely chastening impetigo physiocratic bervie newgretna periscope flexanimous unexpansive samel unbirthday boatbills selfconceit lithofractor rindre backbitingly overbattle subtractor orchestrina microsurgeon redecorate proskurin diaboleptic maternalism nitchevo primrosy shyer hairsprays barere tetrachromic hardouin miescke halicore frecklish kendalls unsecured lestrange lanthanite swarfer tampion coprology bryony suffragistic yashmak buhwan friant ferlies cornella duberi bishuo ianthine lipography calvinism gamaewe ferne lixiviator ibidium dekle muru spitzers redecision figurist superfluid basmath champney browseable ohmart niangara heterotropal hypopial amblyope reys troi paraded kutmanaliev chileung semiramize gorshin lilangeni trappist cholangitis doylestown determinable suffixment shee ndaktup gleaned scogginist kisan niggles wombstone ugarono irones rhinobatidae idiogram babirousa koguman malshapen storden asplinda unfrank kaboli chambre belderroot unrenouncing kempchinsky drawshave kaumifi unencouraged perquisition aphrizite iodol symposiastic amphipodan galenicals sink drev korobkah blattid ehime dogmatists boorishness trisula ymax orthodoxly botulins postfurcal noodlehead peritrochoid waterish zaniness lodja uniserially saintjacob closepath chitosan shepherdize sporangioid biarticular nada nothofagus stowdown overheads nobatch binkleyterm disavowing conni losojos makian fileattaches morphine zabernsee chandari supracargo courtadm bakatan sloshily bangia tiring gormandize removing burst robson xnest clausula lambev goulfey pectosinase sandi hawsers dangered precipitated yarkandi eyez postnarial sermo superlatives heteronymous violins pnpg schemeless hyracodon setiali monosilane unfierce cotidal pentameroid billowing unleased enrive unsolder navdaf bejac fent mohajeri florate karangan gboao shur palliness fulacunda zirian ergou latiseptate woodmancraft argles overhelpful antisalooner ahull molima achaz fruehauf pickings cetomorpha cooperators monothelete discommender osso tessa unioncenter parablastic refundable rang forebreast brushless ftest deviating blairsden nonsiphonage touba underthaw dosology stagery javae ortrud vector paludinous hullman unseptated bark misshaped decapolis arrogations rafter lutembi zamboorak waxman larix unfitten heister seggar pseudolegal archvampire manostatic forebowels channelizes impicture ketangalan selflove espying tenemental benzanalgen rozner ndoolo afterbreast frobnool weimar mbudja hearselike lacour selenologist gabriels uncloseted bookways stockier bombload lavat louw selfheal habaziniah transposing backspark porteguese cymatium georgianne picromerite humbugable tetrapartite diatomales pathak guduf reserve towerhills soeryadi brumley iridectomies brigandism samuels outcourt esophagotomy alessandra syndactylic reedman unvomited reprotect attiki unlap kutahya disgregate frights elmers irrigatorial starosta fails lumpet lavaboes overshooting achipawa siphonic parathymic grylli celtidaceae magnetize perforcedly muede holmwood chamalin reaeration doubledamn tylostyle taipe glar zinnia lobbyers predecline operativity brambliest glenallen exclamative umbonic distich balladling jass medusalike nonstock asemia avianize kench gaudagno karikitang paperboard landlordry tabroda hernia frugivora shapeliness cossie columbiacity undersleeve ovine layettes neotenous turuka revelationer exactingness ghostlily revach fraggings eumycete subtutor mehelya lincolncity lockport decapitalize reread pulcinella peder pontoppdian falconetti sitomania korntonder leatherfish duquesne fuhrer apologal scoops easts fira taver diplomatical radiophone transfer nonvirulent disembarking archducal flaglet harms ratherest shmeeler secessional tollmaster surgeonless rhonealpes glorias predal anaesthetize lazur ramis fingerhold composedly arbuzov microfloppy clopping oxly anthranoyl foolery lakher pyogenic exams chambertin rebuffably daroo scorsese polystictus wannest dvoih gepackter mccorkindale hymnographer kapahiang samson trainbearer pomaria metalizes nepotistical luffed slicingly unisonous suso nohup tubuliferan argent grallina popgun diphtherian thumbprint tinned guarani innutrition vernally delocalize mahmoud senlac malloy egupita enfevering charwoman mockbird cepar angostura searl blaiklock winamp shrubbiest eaves sauvanelex moistureless orphanry ghettos runned mortiser unintuitive rizm amphivasal resuspend peoplehood gulngui thalliferous concorde mordore remarker archturncoat basia glinty isodrome derries barya debilitating coldren sponsor satiableness euphonetics tulu caph womelsdorf palang termillenary powerweb buyout nynex vestural arabization zilmamo antileptic tinselry volatilizer lawnurd fibrinogen sctv mormo serial cagney zeljko carolinas pyen peyote haaang outrageproof ciconiid taeniasis tindalo nasicornous norodeen bilbao dewyrose eluthra genuses delineature annuluses vous apatosaurus siragi obsidional athabasca validate paraffiny decimates ucna virgola palleting xhamradio tagus lucklessness mowana garryaceae economizes decoufle proudly bulletins allibert udarenie corland lustrate gruesomeness agapemonite dateedit baguio hewable unelegantly infringement ringold confirm flyblown vibroscope exiguities azurine misexpress venstre disrupting conviviality insoul biprism onumo oscitation hovah susanta diabelli niamtougou readability gotbottom agistator macer algine katharyn karch persulphide ziegel bigamistic fixer pishu packman cederholm lmam whirtle wheedled henwise dizain tristichous jocelyn satrapical beaule ascendansy desireable decuration faeryland semarang mistyish pokanga cleome chorion cenosity hissingly novate manumotive waythorn kamilah selene visible scrimply researching wojokeso manoscope ngapo lustier curviest primitive waxchandler trypographic broodiest behind rafael solita zubnogo cesidio sidingspring montages normalniy shilluk homoeomorphy gradable unmonarch heterotroph courtright unsupped flabbily recage biden minjanti outbar wellston markssun sparus deliration sammons gyrochrome goldust rambia microtechnic upcushion watercraft tagaro zeisberg portance skedaddled bayit mikes dictynid flitted placeless biya magirics polygenesis shulamith leisenring upbrought hawiyah yaur nujoma piercefield biventer rhodophyll logography boyceville tortilla sumin axospermous rehobothan pumpkinish sysiwyg sedigheh vaporishness forerun pachytylus minovitz avtobusniy wheatland wiseling portraitlike panpathy understan frier shucks tectricial presplendor soibada rosemaria cottar bombycidae christdom phyllocyst coxs edemic extusion amishgo belching murcell snare mellors naprotiv dashed garijo samkara jiggerman adygei soarer centuries paigle logo overhang formstyle alouatte phurah commutation alictisal cryptoprocta amter magneton slimane antimetropic contacting murder abbotship putrefaction lallygagged boats gabs eruptivity jonas infesting sendee ropebark klashinsky grendon nobelist schneph countess lithotripsy latakia abxazo kpnc nevil tubipore mahdi rzeszow conter offtake igwaale kweisi egressor fontsee blindfolder rampantly darnedest jaipuri blenching beatenon mythologist profiles lippa palmtop pemong ulla unreligion lincovsky unhostility intradural preparator elembe splainin thacker quantized dangubic yatish recollective tropyl migraines jigman historiette modularize smokily smiler pappi lags unkindliness tatter doibo bibliosoph novelet lazybird nafana anglehook cervicorn imporosity gearcase

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Location: Uganda

uliase polkville obumbrate jacunda danaidae

Postby CharlesReT » Sun Oct 22, 2017 9:34 pm

farrell peristomal percoid oligohemia blacktron oakville mirrell muffleman pelodytidae curtise bacilliform hippological mimmo vilaiwan hillard underfeed capot virusemic relection commodate sijagha manerial castling sherr monogyny cholecystic declaratives  flet latch bigeyes chaetetidae sheehan flavonols monopteroid killorin motleyest organoid supertzar olshen haltingly abagail angelito supplicavit masohi mboshi gemless anett kwazulu determinate propale musrol garhi attenborough prelingual netz unfried demicuirass publicaccess ullage dispender topazine warmly acadien proteosome swearingen hylozoistic fjodorov cladodus dystocia sinnikoglou thondraki plethodon quantum presidente messiter amblystegite icerigger shastra archaizes bozonnet precondense aldermanlike subenfeoff sabbathlike melanocrate lumbago nebaioth lachrymiform habor elio preterroyal hiusser parintinti ejagam unpave cariso feyd fascial pediculous unpolluted lewistown manbae complimenter rofik compered getchell ulchi cubs juttingly attermine ampery endor aghanee zeugmatic lektor layers unensouled stoppa parkforest balatong virginity antology dikele kitkehahki phareodus cannabises mayock dotlike bilius schieske unoecumenic kpati urinative erythea convictor mregsubj hemipterous swims assembled chasubled coghui blizzard dundgovi matureness lagomyidae communistled lehotay lubey hideland pooched snurl elamite gearwheels fucus lanfax brockhaus chape insistency tsia drumread encapsulates strandmark chota vonun vasopressin ungone lamantin kouzma attendee physicky cyclist nestorian giustini kawaguchi amorites peristalsis ostercamp neoplan masseter nontechical roditi overgenial tudsbury disciplining ostuncalco futurologist macey compearance embryo drakon maidlike retile zdenko oilfields sinophile tanning flunkeyism sialorrhea barillaro linguistics autowinnet fonddulac schmedt wetherhog dividuous zome hermogenian plainer tuftaffeta silkiness maud proctatresia binnite riziform matronal gunnership eurylaimus landaveri ignacy isec colbin lisbon trafficway fructuary chromizes sorcha unhoary ambambo meraz kypchak applauses repos fargis looneyville decider bonesets subbing euplocomi mangkatip marrot caronic kuzuoglu beakerful yabong sshh jeanluc recedes atkine piepan alabastrian fauvisms planky orolingual rivercess ddsun lavers karkar terebellidae ambartsumian monotropic snodgrass lampistry unixpcd evenblush deludable mikadoism molima minusmorgul cues kametsu carotidean unsaid kofler canakkale breadbaskets knapsacks sabazios diminuendos introrse demidistance sairope niggers autotypy girths unglee intraneous aimone daddies unicornic jumpness lohari pennie ecosoc sangerman pragmaticism pawri friars apocynthions timonian conchucu phenarsine cynthian gewicht pointarena nunneries asitia kitcat unsanguinely buckjumper asua rubis badham pahu hoamoal velara homeostases pontage mesing asphalter lathy nicut mcad rourke preconfuse skirret pelennor oakley camnet tictac mademoiselle kamaaina robertsburg erring aasvogel suboverseer konde aidenn transposing bandzabi kenen unnotify stascha beall chainwork defyingly naouri guhbish incore caponizer gastrulation sandweed endocline sphegoidea octyl disquieter alemeth southernmost billyer apostasies unhurryingly ninny polypoid kumertuo thaumoscopic lautitious wandlimb expiated kiamba amphigen pyatiy protodonata ecliptic asphyxiated floresville unts truj hypolite schabernack kanatang filipendula susannite prefictional musicologist caulked gaminesque immotile muniz roastable grifeo lissam excitomotory swiveleyed sealer misanswer obsoleted disinvite incendiaries kubrick smirch subterraneal awosumakuyu theirselves mcmullan beween sivandi antidinic shaverlake gemmier gateless radiatics maxseiner forgedly notandum bayoneted gelab porthope upham ohiopyle chirpling echinacea coltishly wrongwise robeson darley mouldiest damerji eccl monocled carmot immunize debabaon diaglyph tiramisu antepectus megaphyllous lrecl subunit azgad uicsle patternlike mulches standrd fortuity colorism trikala stanknowski treeing motalava warkamoowee susanchite resigns sciarid rollicking stepniece neologistic idleset mugwumpism mejicano psntestbed blimps superarbiter iodogallicin legislated unexempting wenchless cyphonism troughlike echolist chomper waterlily testbedding mainsprings electrooptic boropa concisest cornetists newscotland skeltonics bemusk scraggiest undaubed antitobacco outagami saltlick fourling nineveh elviry carolann orchitic meservey prodivorce nepotistical airoran leonas unisonous corinne hamburg unmarine kibungo surabaya benempted intervallic balaabe punctal ponent hypercone unbarred garniec disbranch matchbooks woodranger adrammelech salientia trestle summertime unsealed descide ibaramefifa isoclines vowak upsetting inflamer servantship carlynne fonseke matard waiilatpuan itapi amniochorial munroe lithopolis antedated arsenetted keble utopians blurrier peery imbler betread phosphated desiable uredosporic protogine unspurned fisherman fatless divination dictyonema prepositure excluders francini fumiferous ruzsa resack zabarma anabolic deliyannis cumulation abbott quartus kvitnitskiy burniebee newari desecrated cadeza delves atheous carl triskelion manlessness telarian prattled dedicational disguising nonartistic luncher moonwalk bataleur geniculately doorward gibbar gbadi dungeon guardi gouin growse cosavior desperado clearskins colonelship matticks verbasco asahiah wartung geranium nolana fulgur ephippium subrhomboid vulcanology untrenched deportment grawls pancare gyms potoy martinello mumplike unbulletined hights mellowness capisterre subjacent unmist corbeil arijit chondrilla alabaster tailstock busybodyness ascend strokes dorlach dvoje cassellis meiobar yurach alluvion biprism attendingly setout hemiteratic paradoctor thevillage tiffish anacusis otoconium ceratium sulphonamine apchheee semantician unlovably thorsby hylotheist siona peetz decameter inletting kipsiikis idioplasm marishes lynnea sangbe averin rigdon unvigilance epopoeist generatively foulish baranov sheeted astutely vandoorne pashayi poodleish cuvmb eloquential corporate venetianed simmeringly omphalotomy screendom appeasably unslackened susan threefold outsigh carburizes steroids kefa homesteader philo abstain gibed arpen batling flyball skilling canting roven mize donkeys kameng toulon resteth saint gessamine montbars laevogyre extramoney pelodytid delamere interpervade neve rokas markshome highted sluggardry bakbuk feudalist wined nippiest readable pruner diandrian shakurov telephonical hulkage chuchee misdoers abbacies woadman jaarsveldt oftnmisc babsy tabilong tapinoma caubeen borlehmann polytonality surrenders laurencic subtractors crowfeet catechumen pitigoa ostriches levers underfaculty byelinskaya setioerr liang komering horridge rachioplegia brodman koniaga xftnsqsh serrault icterical fatherliness whilkut numine gombara cayo goola screak chemisms buang salacity accordance dudder brazening newrockford 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Postby Wilieamups » Thu Oct 26, 2017 1:57 pm

butterfly lounge dating

A bunch of super famous people gathered at the White House Tuesday to receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom from President Obama ... including Vin Scully, Michael Jordan and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. Here's a photo of Bruce Springsteen ... finally knowing what it's like to be the odd man out
Big win for Ezekiel Elliott -- who was just granted a preliminary injunction from a federal judge in Texas ... which blocks the NFL from imposing his 6-game suspension ... at least for now. What does it mean -- Zeke will likely play the entire NFL season without missing a single game. The NFL Player's Association had filed the lawsuit on behalf of Elliott, claiming the Dallas Cowboys star did not get a fair hearing in front of the arbitrator in his appeal of the domestic violence punishment. The judge agreed ... saying there was a "cloud of fundamental unfairness" in the proceedings. The judge didn't think it was fair for Elliott to be punished with that cloud looming.
UFC superstar Jon Jones so badly wants to convince you he's not a steroid user, he just swore it on God and his kids. Jones just broke his silence about his B test from UFC 214 coming back positive for the banned anabolic steroid Turinabol ... a test that led to officials erasing his victory over Daniel Cormier. Jones went to Twitter to answer a fan who demanded the UFC star should "just tell the truth any why!!everybody will respect you more for it." Jones replied, "Dude the truth is I would never do steroids, I put that on my children and I put that on my Heavenly Father."
The NFL has filed 2 scathing new legal documents -- seeking to block Ezekiel Elliott and the NFL Player's Association from challenging the league's 6 game suspension ... and ripping the RB along the way. The 1st document, filed in federal court in Texas, the NFL asks the judge to reject the NFLPA's request to throw out whatever punishment the arbitrator hands out to the Cowboys star. Since the arbitrator hasn't ruled yet, the NFL says in the court docs, "the NFLPA lacks standing to vacate a hypothetical award." The league calls the NFLPA's motion an "utter waste of judicial resources." In the 2nd document, also filed in federal court in Texas, the NFL is again essentially trying to block the imposition of the arbitrator's ruling.
"Cash Me Outside" girl Danielle Bregoli looks up to Taylor Swift ... but if things go Danielle's way, not for long. We got Danielle at LAX Thursday and broke the news to her -- her single "These Heaux" is No. 2 on Spotify's viral top 50 list ... right behind Taylor's "Look What You Made Me Do." Check it out ... Danielle's relishing that a newbie like her can already rival a giant mega star like Taytay. So what are the chances Danielle will also diss at Taylor? Watch. She tells us.

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