This works by the person trying to sleep visualizing a very peaceful scene like being on a beautiful beach on a moonlit night, or being in an enchanted garden with the most beautiful flowers in the world giving off the most exotic fragrance. Or you could try meditation where you use diffused focus and breathing techniques to slowly lull yourself to a state of relaxation leading to sleep. Then there is Yoga, a medically proven system of exercises the regular practice of which teaches your body and mind to relax and let go. This in turn leads to a regular and restful sleeping pattern. Then of course there is diet. You need to cut down on coffee, tea, cigarettes and sugar and eat snacks which are rich in carbohydrates and magnesium. The former will make you feel sleepy if consumed around bed time, while the latter acts as a natural sedative. Best sleep aid differs from person to person. Sleep aids such as pills may work faster in the short run, but are detrimental to health in the long run, and are not a holistic or permanent solution. Natural best sleep aids of the type described above, may take longer to take effect, but they will provide a permanent solution with immense long term benefits.